This is for my Mom, who thinks I need to post more often. And she's right. Mothers always are.
I've covered a lot of ground since my last post. Here is my last few weeks ...
I spent a weekend with my friend K exploring Berkeley. We went for the
Berkeley Pagan Parade and Festival with hopes that, like the
Fremont Solstice Parade in Seattle there would be lots of naked people. There were not. And considering the pagans we saw there, we were glad. We did, however, find a lot of sun and a coffee shop I liked back in 2005 when I was there with

Cafe Strada in Berkeley.

K catching some rays on the UC Berkeley campus.
The next day, my friend S took me to a wild street fair in downtown SF called
How Weird. Lots of DJs. Lots of people. Lots of food and drink. Not a lot of clothes. Love this town.
I also ran
ING Bay to Breakers, a 12K "run" from, well, the Bay to the surf, through the heart of San Francisco and Golden Gate Park. I put "run" in quotes because, as anybody who's done it knows, not a lot of running happens during this run. More naked people, though. Sensing a theme to this post? As my fabulous gay hairstylist was telling me the other day, the way to draw attention to yourself in this town is to run around with your clothes
Next up, K and I took a day trip to Muir Woods ...

Me at Muir Woods.

Purty trees. See?
An old churlish friend of mine from Seattle was in town last week. We ate and drank a wide swath through this town, culminating with a trip to AT&T Park to watch the Giants get stomped by the Cardinals on my birthday. Harumph.
Other assorted goings-on from the past month: a trip to the aquarium, a wander through the North Beach neighborhood, a relocation to Noe Valley, and LASIK eye surgery.
Whew! As in the words of Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."