Friday, February 27, 2009

Why I Won't Buy an iPhone

I admit that watching all the urban hipsters playing with their iPhones has made me a bit jealous. And considering that I'm going mobile, I certainly need to find myself a 3G phone, but the iPhone just isn't it. Here are a few reasons why ...

There are all the usual reasons people roll out against the iPhone: lock-in with AT&T, lo-res still camera, closed software platform, Apple's control-freak 'tude wrt the App Store, etc., etc.. To which I say, "Tru dat." But the bigger issue for me is that it doesn't travel well.

I took my gripes to my local Apple store. My conversation went something like this:

Yours Truly: I'm considering an iPhone.
Apple Flunkie: Just do it. It's totally rad. (Ed. I'm paraphrasing here.)
YT: You haven't even asked me my requirements.
AF: OK, what are your requirements?
YT: I want a phone I can use while I travel overseas.
AF: Oh.
... awkward pause ...
AF: Um. Here's what you do. Look on eBay for a hacked iPhone....
YT: Uhh...
AF: ... Get a first-generation hacked iPhone. It'll be cheaper. Then you'll be able to use it with some other international plan that is cheaper than AT&T.
YT: You're an official Apple rep, right?
AF: <shifts nervously> Yes.
YT: And you're saying that if I want to travel with my iPhone, the only practical solution that won't bankrupt me with AT&T's extortionate international data rates .... is a solution that isn't officially supported by Apple, right?
AF: Yes.
YT: You realize what a sh*t answer that is, right?
AF: Yes.
YT: <exits stage left>

Since then, Apple has gone on record saying that hacking an iPhone is copyright infringement and a DMCA violation. Nice.

OK people. I need a 3G phone that travels well. What are my best options?