Cafe Telecommute
I've mentioned CouchSurfing here a few times before. On Friday, I attended my first local CS event: a group telecommute session at a coffee shop.
Cafe culture and the abundance of free wifi hotspots make working from the road a breeze. And -- I won't kid you -- I haven't often missed office politics and the drama of in-the-flesh coworkers and back-stabbing ladder-climbers. But a group telecommute session at a cafe neatly fills a social niche that I wouldn't get otherwise: a chance to meet other professionals and share experiences. At Friday's Cafe Telecommute, I met the organizer JC and chatted with her about why she started these weekly meet-ups. She said, "I'd been telecommuting from cafes for a while, and one day I looked around and saw all these people like me -- working one per table. And I thought, 'We should all be sitting together and getting to know each other.'" Not a bad thought! So now on Friday's, I can mix my work up with a little chit-chat with the local CS riff-raff. Good deal.
Angel Island
I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful weekend, so my friend K and I hopped a ferry to Angel Island, the largest island in San Francisco Bay, for a day of hiking and spectacular views. From the top (~790 ft), we got a very impressive 360 degree view of the Bay, the city, the Golden Gate and Bay Bridges, Alcatraz, and hundreds of sailboats, ferries, kayakers, jetskiers, kite-surfers, and one or two seals, all enjoying a warm, sunny day on the Bay.
Here's a shot of K and me at the top of Angel Island. I'm looking a bit squinty. Maybe my Seattle eyes haven't yet adjusted to the California sun. I'm not complaining.
(The jazz band is really ripping now. Time to turn off the computer and soak up some some of Kerouac's Frisco.)
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