Monday, July 13, 2009

CouchSurfing Base Camp and the Frogger Theory of Life


I have a theory of life. It's hokey, and it goes like this: a life well lived is like a game of Frogger™; don't try to swim for it. Find a log and go for a ride. Then hop on another. Repeat as necessary.

The idea is that opportunities pass you constantly. Find one going in a direction that appeals to you and let it take you someplace new. It doesn't sound like much work, and that's about right. Even if you make nothing but small hops, over time you can go pretty far. Like I said, it's hokey. But it's relevant to recent events ...

CouchSurfing Base Camp

I've posted here before about CouchSurfing. It's a social networking site for world travelers who want to connect with locals who are willing to share their homes and their local knowledge. Simply brilliant. What I didn't know until recently is that San Francisco is home to the global CouchSurfing headquarters, called Base Camp. On Friday, I practically stumbled into it.

In Base Camp, I found the most amazing thing: people like me. Geeks, primarily. Busy using technology to build a community of sharing, giving, open-minded wanderers with a global perspective. Being a geek, I naturally wanted to know how things worked. And then I wanted to ask questions and share my thoughts and my visions, and before I knew it I was participating in technical discussions about new directions for the global CouchSurfing community.

Here comes a new log to hop on.

A few things are clear to me at this point.
  • I want to be more involved in CouchSurfing.
  • I can use my programming skills to help build something that I believe in.
  • I need to learn more about web and mobile development.
I have plenty on my plate already, but I think I have room for just ... a little ... more.

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