Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Only The Dead Know Brooklyn

I got a last-minute tip-off that my friend B from Seattle was staying with friends in Brooklyn. So I jumped the LIRR to Flatbush Ave. and met up with him for some drinks and some poutine.

Brooklyn poutine, not that bad. Seriously.

Me and B, like old times.

The title of this post is a reference to a great short story of the same name by Thomas Wolfe and published in The New Yorker, June 1935. The (fabulous) first line is:
Dere's no guy livin' dat knows Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo, because it'd take a guy a lifetime just to find his way aroun' duh f_____ town.

It tells the story of a guy trying to find his way to the Redhook neighborhood with a map of Brooklyn, and getting bum steers from locals who don't know Brooklyn t'roo and t'roo. After leaving Flatbush Ave. in search of B and his friends, I could definitely relate. Duh place is a f_____ maze. Fortunately I didn't have to go all the way to Redhook, but B did; that's where his friends live.

Red Hook! Jesus!
-- Thomas Wolfe

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Gail at Large said...

Poutine outside of Canada! Heavens to Murgatroyd!

Unknown said...

Laugh it up, but the first place I had poutine was in Seattle. And it wasn't bad! But in a bar, late at night after you've had a few drinks, perhaps you're not so discriminating. And by "you" I mean "me".

Gail at Large said...

If you haven't gotten sick of French fries, have some chip butties for me in NZ...