He died of complications from his cancer treatment. Every year on this day, I mark his passing. He'd have some choice words for me for being sentimental about it. Better to remember him by having a party, he'd say; "After I'm dead, prop me in a chair with a drink in one hand, a girl in the other, and have a big party." Typical Nick-style gallows humor. He never wanted any sympathy or complained about anything. He worked hard when it would have been easy to give up. He always chose life, and lived it on his terms, right up to the very end.
I miss him.

That's a great picture of Nick. If that's the essence of him, he must've been quite the character.
You have no idea. I could tell you stories. Yeah, I love this photo. That's him, attitude and all.
Great photo of my cousin. He was a character for sure! I miss him too - just did a search for info about him, and your blog popped up. :)
Hi Emily, thanks for dropping by. It's good to know there are others out there still remembering Nick and missing him.
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