Friday, November 13, 2009

All's Well In Welly

My first week in Wellington started inauspiciously. I arrived, jet-lagged and sick, to be greeted by bitterly cold winds and gray somber skies. The flat I had arranged the week prior -- that I was so looking forward to settling in to -- was ... dear God, it was a hole. What in the world was I doing in Wellington? If it weren't for my friend C who graciously offered me her sofa, I may have just gotten back on a plane and headed back to San Francisco.

The next day, the sun came out briefly, and this view greeted me from C's deck:

Wellington is beautiful, and C's flat in Hataitai has a spectacular view of Evans Bay. C showed me the ins and outs of getting around Welly, helped me buy a SIM card for my mobile, and gave me tea and "throat lollys" for my hacking cough. By my second day there, I had lined up a better flat and was feeling much more chipper about the whole thing. It doesn't hurt that Wellington is exploding with flowers this time of year. Oh right, that's why I came.

Spring: the real reason I came South.

Today, C and I hopped a bus to the coast and wandered Island Bay and Owhiro Bay. Picture waves smashing against volcanic rocks, a winding road hugging the coastline, and little houses dotting the green rolling hillside.

Near as we can tell, this is really just someone's home.

Next week, I move into my new flat in Mt Victoria, where I'll have easier access to the coffee shops and bars of downtown Wellington. You know, back to business as usual.

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