Friday, October 1, 2010

Boston, As Captured By Gail At Large

I haven't said much about my time in Boston, and that was several stops ago already. But since a picture is worth a thousand words, and Gail's are worth at least several, the following should make up for my dearth of verbiage. Below is my Boston experience as captured and condensed by Gail's lens. As usual, she manages to make my life look exotic and exciting. I wish she'd follow me around more often!

[thumbnails] [slideshow]

(If you're reading this on Facebook and the slideshow doesn't show up inline, click "View Original Post" to go to my blog.)


Gail at Large said...

I was thinking the other day, FI was the 6th trip in a year with you excluding Toronto. I was gobsmacked, I didn't think that was possible! (Not for you, the Digi-nomad but me, the Staunchly Solo traveller. Guess I can't be that ornery, then.)

Unknown said...

I chalk it up to my generally agreeable demeanor. Let's see ... Montreal, F.I. twice, Boston, Portland ME, Cape Cod ... gosh you're right! Wow. Nice to have a travel buddy.

Gail at Large said...

I counted Boston/Cape Cod as one trip. Ah, I also counted Jones Beach + LI for your birthday, too, which you may not count as travel but since you don't live there anymore I think you can...

Here's to mobility! *clink*

NuNomad said...

You got some beautiful shots. I spent grad school in Boston and really miss it at times. Hope to get back there this summer.