Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Path Somewhat Traveled

So you want to make travel your lifestyle. Think you're a freak? Think again. In this post, I'll share some of the wonderful communities of travelers, backpackers and nomad-ers I'm discovering. Take heart, you are not alone.


Want to meet globe-trotters and swap stories without even leaving your home? Host a couch-surfer. And then join their community of home-stay-swapping, travel-loving weirdos. I plan to tap this resource when it comes time to find sublets abroad, since these folks do a lot of coming and going.


A different travel community with a greater emphasis on backpacking and youth hosteling. Lots of good insider information about various travel destinations, with active discussion boards about every topic and every place you might care to go.

Bootsnall and CouchSurfing both have active members in most major cities, so they're more than just information resources. They're potentially your local tour guides and new friends wherever you find yourself.


Ground zero for the new nomadic professional. Lots of tips and and product recommendations for folks looking to take their office with them.


A resource like for nomadic professionals but with a new public forum feature that actually seems to be catching on.


I just found this one and haven't explored it fully, but it looks like a partner site of LaptopHobo. They are actively trying to build a community of traveling professionals. Even LaptopHobo's discussion boards are hosted at NuNomad.

I get the sense from these sites that the communities for vagabonding and backpacking are well established, but for traveling professionals less so. Which is nice, in a sense. After all, this is supposed to be an adventure.

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