Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hang Drums, Dive Bars and the Solution to the Energy Crisis


Scientists have been telling us for years that fusion reactors will solve all our energy problems with clean, renewable energy. The problem with these reactors is that they take more energy to operate than they produce. You're not going to solve the world's problems with a reactor like that. Some fine day, all that will change -- so they say.


My travels have suffered from a similar problem. It's taken more money to operate than I've been pulling in -- until now. Yesterday I passed an important fiscal milestone: the Peripatetic Programmer is now a self-sustaining enterprise. As a practical matter, I'm getting paid via direct deposit, so I don't have to sully myself with physical checks, deposits slips or other squalid details of the physical world. When I get paid, the money just shows up in my bank account. Digital banking is a real boon for the digital nomad.


Another first yesterday: I hit the downtown SF club scene with a couple of friends. First, Southern Indian at the very upscale Dosa, pricey, but delicious. Then, we knocked around various clubs and bars downtown until we landed at Harlot to see Manu Delgado and their absolutely amazing Hang drum player. You have to see this video to understand how devastatingly cool Manu Delgado is.

Manu Delgado plays on April 8, 2009

Mental Health

As a beer lover, I am always on the lookout for a dive bar with a good selection. On the recommendation of a few friends (thanks SL!), I hit Toronado on Haight St., and my San Francisco experience is now complete. My friend S and I sat at the bar and sampled beers I'd never heard of and got chatted up by the friendly locals. And April is Belgian beer month! Fabulous. I anticipate that some (most? all?) of my recent paycheck will be going directly into Toronado's tills.

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