Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TravelTax: For the Mobile Professional

Sometimes I feel like nobody understands me.

My Seattle-based CPA doesn't understand me. Every time I call with a tax question he suggests a time to meet, and I have to remind him that I'm on the road. Then he asks me why I'm away and when I'll be back. Every. Damn. Time.


After trolling the NuNomad message boards for a sympathetic ear, I found a post by one Joseph Smith from a company called TravelTax. They specialize in "tax preparation for the mobile professional." Joseph and I had a nice long chat today, and it's clear that he gets it. He gets why I'm working from the road. Most of his clients are, too. He knows how long I can stay in any one place before incurring a tax obligation there. He can handle my books, my payroll, my business and personal taxes; city, state and fed. All my questions? Answered!

Finally someone understands me.

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