Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why I Like

You probably could have guessed that I wouldn't be a homeless homebody for too long. The good folks at CouchSurfing wouldn't let me.

Yesterday, I got a random CS message from a Kiwi girl trying to get folks together for drinks in Hanoi. Still in hermit mode, my lame response was that I was going to check out a bar in Ho Tay called Le Pub and that she was free to meet me there. That, I felt, pretty much guaranteed that I would be left alone to read. Not so. Her response was immediate: "I'm in Le Pub right now!" Really?!

Sure enough, there she was surrounded by a klatsch of couchsurfers drinking and trading travel stories and tips. I couldn't get away from these people if I wanted to! And I don't. They dragged me out of my funk and made me excited about traveling again. Oh yeah, I love this.

Note to self: travel is a passion, and passion is meant for sharing.


Gail at Large said...

I find it completely impossible to read in a pub. I can't even work in a coffee shop, I am totally distracted by the people and conversations around me.

Or maybe I'm an incorrigible eavesdropper?

Unknown said...

If there are more than 2 or 3 people talking, it's all background noise to me.