Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Long and Winding RoadID

Imagine this: you're in a strange land -- a digital nomad, perhaps -- and you have a medical emergency. Maybe you don't speak the language, or maybe (like me) you have a condition that could leave you unable to speak at all. How can you be sure to get the treatment you need and let emergency workers know about your conditions, medications, allergies and emergency contacts? Enter RoadID.

RoadID is an ID necklace (or bracelet) that gives emergency personnel all the information they need to fix you up and get you back home safely. It's also an online service. My RoadID dog tag has an 800 number and a web address along with a serial number and PIN that grants access to some medical information that I maintain on RoadID's website. Everything an EMT worker could possibly need to know (prescriptions, insurance information, doctors names and contact information, etc., etc.) is available 24-7-365. And I can update the information online without needing to order a new dog tag.

My RoadID has brought me such peace of mind that I feel naked without it. I'd like to thank Furball for finding the service for me, and my parents for buying me my RoadID and a 10-year service contract.

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1 comment:

Andrew said...

This is great news. Sounds like a good use of technology and it will give your friends some piece of mind as well.